10 Key Changes in Companies Act 2016 that You Should Know
Companies Act 2016 已于2017年1月31日(星期二)正式生效。业界普遍相信这次的更新能够帮助降低企业的经营成本。
- 一个人(兼任董事与股东)就能注册私人有限公司(Private Companies)。
- 有限公司的授权股本 (Authorised Share Capital) 已被废除,只剩实收股本 (Paid Up Capital)。
- 有限公司的股票面值 (Par Value) 已被废除。
- 新公司成立现已不需制定公司章程 (Memorandum and Articles of Association)。之前公司章程里涵盖的内容将被Companies Act 2016里的相关条文取代。 现有公司可根据Companies Act 2016修改章程,或选择直接废除章程。
- 有限公司现已不需拥有公司印章 (Common Seal)。
- 除非公司的章程有特别规定,否者有限公司现已不需每年召开股东大会 (Annual General Meeting)。所有决定可通过书面决议 (Written Resolutions) 进行。
- 年报(Annual Return)须在成立周年日 (Anniversary of Incorporation Date) 后30天内交上 (修改前:AGM后) 。
- 公司分配股息 (Dividend) 前必须遵守偿付能力要求 (Solvency Requirement)。
- Form 9已被废除。新公司成功注册时将只收到公司注册通知 (Notice of Incorporation)。若公司想要获得公司注册证 (Certificate of Incorporation) (类似修改前的Form 9) 可向SSM申请 (另外收费)。
- 公司必须在其网站以及所有商业通信和商务文件(Business Correspondence & Documentation) 上显示该公司的注册名称 (Registered Name) 及注册号码 (Registered Number)。
若想了解更多关于Companies Act 2016的细节,您可以致电联络 Rebecca (03-8938 1773),或到我们位于Seri Kembangan的办公楼。
Companies Act 2016 have finally come into force on 31st January 2017. It is said to create an environment that is more cost-effective for businesses.
Main changes that YOU SHOULD KNOW :-
- One Person Company - Private companies can now be incorporated with one person being the only director and the only shareholder. Besides, the appointment of the first company secretary can be made within 30 days from the date of incorporation of the company.
- Removed Authorised Share Capital - Private companies would no longer have Authorised Share Capital. There will only be Paid Up Capital.
- No Par Values Shares - This means that issuance of shares no longer carries a par value.
- Memorandum & Articles of Association (M&A) - M&A is no longer needed for incorporating a new company. For existing company with M&A, the M&A will now be deemed to be the Constitution. It is recommended that companies review their M&A and make appropriate amendments, construct a Constitution; or choose not to have their own M&A / Constitution.
- Common Seal Not a MUST HAVE - Companies are no longer required to have a common seal.
- Annual General Meeting - Private companies are no longer required to hold AGM as it can be simplified by passing written resolutions, unless constitution stated otherwise.
- Filing of Annual Return - The annual return shall be lodged not later than 30 days from the anniversary of the incorporation date. Previously, the annual return would be filed after the AGM.
- Dividends - Before declaring dividends, directors must be aware of the new solvency requirement.
- Form 9 Has Been Removed - Companies will only receive Notice of Incorporation upon successful incorporation. Certificate of Incorporation will be issued upon application by the company and upon payment of a prescribed fee.
- Publication of Name - A Company shall disclose its registered name and registered number on websites and all other forms of its business correspondence and documentation.
If you wish to understand more about the Companies Act 2016, feel free to contact us at 03-8938 1773 (Rebecca) or come visit us at our Sri Kembangan Office.
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