相信人人都希望可以少交些税,开公司的您 #现在有福啦!
以往中小型企业 (SME) 可享有优惠税率(17%) 给予公司净利至RM500,000。经过调整后,公司净利数额的首RM600,000,是应用这项优惠税率。您想想,这可多省了RM7,000的税额! Corporate tax treatment for SMEs, 1st Chargeable income which is subject to the concessionary income tax rate of 17% be increased from RM 500,000 to RM 600,000. Now tax saving up to RM 7,000.
税收局所定义的中小型企业 (SME) ,除了看 RM 2.5 million 的实收资本,一年公司销售数额也不超过RM 50 million。 SME definition in LHDN to include the requirement of total gross business income must be less than RM 50 million with paid up capital of RM 2.5 million.
小价值资产 (Small Value Asset) 的特别津贴也有更新哦!中小型企业 (SME)买入RM 2,000 或以下的资产都能全部从公司净利润中直接扣除税收 。而非中小型的企业 (Non-SME) 这项特别津贴的上限则从原有的RM 13,000提高至RM 20,000
There is an update of special allowance for small value assets too! For SME’s special allowance is now threshold up to RM 2,000, previously was RM 1,300. On the other hand, for non-SME is now threshold up to RM 20,000 per annum, previously was RM 13,000.
以往公司秘书费与所得税代理人费的扣税数额上限各别为RM 5,000 和 RM 10,000 ,如今这两笔费用的扣税数额可以共用,高达RM 15,000。
Tax agent and Secretarial fees can be combined and allowed up to RM 15,000, previously secretarial fee RM 5,000 and tax agent fee RM 10,000.
想了解更多详情或有任何疑问,欢迎 ☎03-8938 1773 咨询我们以获取相关资讯。
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我们是 #Bispoint 专门为顾客 #解决账目和税务上的问题
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